Long time, no bloggings!
Okay, been a while since my last post. But what is there really to blog about? Right now, I'm writing something just to put a new update up there.
So, my summer is moving on, slowly and slightly boresome. Working every weekday cleaning offices and toilets, and spending the afternoon painting the house. I hope both activites will eventually return some highly needed cash;)
This weekend I managed to proove to myself that I have no life in this city. Since these guys...were up for playing in the Live Earth concert, I watched the concert for 13 hours!! From 10.30 AM to 11.30 PM a sat in front of the TV, with incredibly nice weather outside, just to catch a glimpse of my beloved band. But in my defense I have to say that the concert(s) were good, and I was introduced to some cool bands I haven't heard about before (John Butler Trio, Wolfmother and Kasabien). And Metallica was awesome, as always. By the end of this year, or early next, their new album will be finished, and I've heard roumers about a USA-tour. All I've got to say is "I'LL BE F**KING THERE!!". Actually, as I speak (or write, if you will), they're playing in front of 40,000 at Valle Hovin in Oslo. I tried to get tickets, but they were blown away in like 90 minutes...
Other things..hmm...yea, recently I recieved a list of all my becoming classmates at Emerson, and it didn't take long till we got a Facebook-group going:) It seems like a lovely bunch of people from all over the world, and I'm really looking forward to moving to Boston now! And I love the thought of spending 2 years over there, and not only 1. This way I can calm more down and don't need to stress with anything. Hard to get a stable social life while moving all the time, so I'm looking forward to grow some roots! And hey, who knows? Maybe I'll stay for more than 2 years :o)
Okay, that's it! See you soon :)
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