Hi again, happy people! Starting to feel the stress of the diploma now! It is due to be finished Juna 4th, and we most definately need all the time we can get. I'm pretty sure we'll manage it, but it will require some long stressfull days first.
Alex and me played tennis on the roof of a building. Rent price: 16 kuai/hourThe weather in Shanghai is getting better and better, and sometimes to good! I wish it would stay in 20-22 degrees for a little longer, but it just kicked up to 28 degrees right away. Anyway, the weather is not in any way stimulating diplomawork inside...
The last days have been quite interesting though. Last Thursday evening Daggi and me headed to Beijing for an interview. We finally managed to book and interview with the Chinese Paper Association, with this very busy Chinese man. We rented an interpreter and got a quite nice interview =) It was only a 1-day-trip, but we managed to squeeze in some hours at the Beijing fake market;) They've got much more nice stuff there than in Shanghai (or at least different things). I mostly bought presents to take back home, though.
This Sunday we celebrated the Norwegian National Day! It is originally on May 17th, but it is more convenient for people to spend a Sunday for such festivities =) Club Norway arrangede it, and did a magnificent job! They'd rented a hotel garden, and we were served barbeque food, cakes and tasty drinks. Later on there were games for the kids (and us big kids...), ending with a mini-concert by one of the DeLillos members.
In Fuxing ParkIn real Norwegian spirit, we couldn't end the day like that. There were still more wine left, so we headed over to Fuxing Park for further festivities. I guess it's not that normal with western people sitting in a publig park drinking from a carton of wine, so we got our share of Chinese spectators. When it got dark we walked to GuanDii where they had the convenient "Drink-all-you-want" for 60 RMB. And for Norwegians, that basically means drink-all-you-CAN", and the night went thereafter :)